Kerbal Space Program Wiki
An outdated photo of the kerbol system, missing Dres and Eeloo.

The Kerbol System consists of seven planets that may be orbited by moons and/or asteroids. Each of these bodies exhibits its own characteristics like gravity, atmosphere, size, orbital inclination, and orbital period.

Here is the list of planets in order of their distance from Kerbol (Sun):


Kerbol is not a planet or moon, but the primary star in the center of the system. Its gravity is roughly that of Jool's.


Moho is the closest planet to Kerbol and the one that revolves the fastest around Kerbol. It is an analog of Mercury and has no moons. It has an orbital inclination of 7.0 degrees, and 1 Mohoian year is 25 kerbin days, and a day is 15.5 hours long. It is impossible to achieve a geosynchronous orbit around Moho. Its equatorial radius is 250 Kilometers. It’s most famous and popular landmark is the Mohole which was a terrain bug that the community loved it so much that the developers decided to keep it, Currently in KSP 2 the Mohole is no longer a bug but an asset to the game and can be located near one of the poles.


Eve can be considered an analog of Venus, but it varies in some aspects, such as its larger size than Kerbin. It has a strange purple atmosphere and soil, which can appear green at sunset, but its landscape has plateaus and what appears to be maria in the dark purple spots. It has one natural satellite, named Gilly (the smallest moon in all the Kerbol system). Gilly has a highly elliptical orbit, and high orbital inclination, in a way that it’s hard to enter and get an entry, It’s easy to land here since it has a thick atmosphere parachutes should just do the job. Eve has a radius of 700 Kilometers.


Gilly is a small captured asteroid orbiting Eve in a highly elliptical orbit, and high orbital inclination. Its radius is 26 kilometres, which combined with Gilly's small sphere of influence makes encountering and landing on it very difficult.


Kerbin is the home planet of the Kerbals. It is one of two water worlds in the Kerbol system, the other being Laythe. Kerbin has a 1g surface gravity and a large sphere of influence. Geostationary orbit can easily be achieved on this planet. Kerbin gives the smallest amount of science than any of the planets in the game. Kerbin has two natural satellites which are the Mun and Minmus.

The Mun[]

The Mun is the Kerbal Space Program analog of the Moon. The Mun has similar gravity to its real life counterpart. It has no atmosphere making parachutes useless. Landing on the Mun requires around 5500m/s of Delta V. The Mun gives very little science compared to the other moons and planets of this game, this will be one of the first planetary objects you ever land on.


Minmus is an icey world and very small moon orbiting Kerbin not far away from escaping its sphere of influence. Getting a Minmus encounter can be tricky sometimes, however it may be a more viable option than the Mun to land on since reaching orbit or landing there requires a lot less delta-V. Minmus s is the in-game analogue for Halley's Comet.


Duna is a planet similar to Mars, but some noticeable features are the unusually large polar caps and it has a relatively small diameter of 320 km. It has one moon named Ike. Landing here is often aided by parachutes


Ike is the moon of Duna. It orbits in a near geostationary orbit around Duna making, Ike, in the Dunatian sky making it seem like it slings to its sides. It has a large sphere of influence on Duna and getting a flyby of Ike is easy, but it can launch you out of Duna's sphere of influence, and this may or may not be a good thing.


Jool is the sixth planet from Kerbol. It is the largest planet in the Kerbol system, it has 5 moons: Laythe, Vall, Tylo, Bop, and Pol. It is the only gas giant in the game and resembles Jupiter from real life but green, so any landing attempt will result in the destruction of your vehicle, science can still be obtained however, if you plan for this you should have a signal and send the science with an antenna.


Laythe is the first and closest moon of Jool. Laythe is a blue, watery moon with sandy islands on it. It also has a breathable atmosphere which means Kerbals can remove their helmets on the moon. The oceans do not freeze because of large amounts of salt in the oceans, which decrease its freezing point.

There is an easter egg on Laythe; The Sagan Sea, referring to Carl Sagan.


Vall is the second and second-closest moon of Jool. It is an ice planet that is an analog of Europa, an ice satellite.

There is an easter egg on Vall; The Vallhenge, a Stonehenge-like set of blocks. Some have wedges on them!


Tylo is a rocky moon that is supposed to be similar to the Mun. It is the largest moon in the game and is the same size as Kerbin. It is an analog of Ganymede.

In real life, Ganymede is only larger than Mercury.

PS: There's an easter egg on Tylo. A cave-like formation, which between versions 0.2.1 and 1.0.5 [supposedly] was hidden beneath the surface. I think it's still up there to see for your own eyes!


Bop is a captured asteroid that is the fourth and second-smallest moon of Jool. It is an asteroid that's supposedly an analog of any of the 59 minor moons of Jupiter [not one of them is similar, supposedly]. This asteroid moon is home to the Deep Space Kraken according to the Kerbal mythology.


Pol, named after it's a similarity to a grain of Pollen, is the fifth and smallest moon of the Jool system.

Dres and Eeloo[]

Dres and Eeloo are dwarf planets. They are an analog of;

Dres: Ceres [confirmed]

Eeloo: Europa, Pluto [confirmed both]

Eeloo is the the farthest object from Kerbol and has an elliptical orbit that intercepts Jool's orbit at its closest point.


  • Laythe is nearly the size of Kerbin and The Mun is a third the size of Kerbin.